Shiekh abdulkadir abdalla
Shiekh Abdulkadir Abdalla is a prominent and respected figure in the Islamic community, where he holds the esteemed positions of Imam and Khateeb at the Islamic Council of Victoria Mosque, in Melbourne Australia.

The Founder
“Worldly life is short, so turn to Allah before you return to Allah.”
Shiekh Abdulkadir is a dedicated member of the Board of Imams Victoria, which grants him the authority to solemnize Islamic marriages and issue certificates through the Board of Imams. Furthermore, he holds the prestigious designation of a registered Minister of Religion and Marriage Celebrant with the Registry of Birth, Death & Marriage. This legal recognition empowers him to formalize and register marriages in accordance with the statutory requirements of the region, offering an invaluable service to couples seeking to unite in matrimony.
About Founder
- Shiekh Abdulkadir Abdalla is a prominent and respected figure in the Islamic community, where he holds the esteemed positions of Imam and Khateeb at the Islamic Council of Victoria Mosque, in Melbourne Australia.
- His remarkable fluency in both Arabic and English equips him with the ability to effectively communicate and engage in a diverse congregation, bridging language and cultural gaps within the community.
- In addition to his roles at the mosque, Shiekh Abdulkadir is a dedicated member of the Board of Imams Victoria, which grants him the authority to solemnize Islamic marriages and issue certificates through the Board of Imams.
- Shiekh Abdulkadir’s educational journey in Islamic studies has been both extensive and global in scope. His high school education took place in Egypt at the prestigious Al-Azhar, where he had the privilege of studying under renowned scholars.
- In pursuit of his scholarly journey, he continued his education in Malaysia, delving deeper into the study of the Quran and Usul (the principles of Islamic jurisprudence).
- during this period that he achieved a significant milestone in his academic endeavors by earning his initial Quran Ijazah, a formal certification recognizing his mastery of the Quranic sciences.
Skills and knowledge
- Additional to the achievements he is dedicated to the sacred text and the foundational principles of Islamic Jurisprudence. This set the stage for his continued pursuit of knowledge and spiritual growth.
- His dedication to Islamic scholarship is further evident through his attainment of Ijazahs in the 10 Quranic recitations, demonstrating his unwavering commitment to the sacred texts.